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Nature coaching.

A special form of coaching is one that uses the support of nature and natural forces. Every natural space is suitable, forests and mountains as well as urban parks. The coaching takes place while walking and during stays at selected locations. Each appointment ranges from 1 to 1.5 hours over 3 hours to entire days or even several days at a time, depending on the client’s request and occasion.

Methodologically, nature is more or less actively involved as a factor depending on the topic and the preferences of the client and coach. It could simply be a coaching conversation, in which the nature acts as a subliminal framework. If nature should be a specific part of in the coaching process, an extensive range of action-oriented and process-oriented methods is available, e.g. the use of analogies and metaphors, the visualization with natural symbols, the targeted use of movement and standstill or rehearsal.

Every change begins with the first step